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Page history last edited by Deborah Fanslow 13 years, 1 month ago


So many tools, so little time!


Here's a brief overview of some popular Web 2.0 tools to get you started:

(Click the triangle to play the presentation)  




The best advice I've gotten on my own ed-tech journey...


  • Start small. Pick one lesson or project that might benefit from the use of technology. But only if there is potential to improve student learning!


  • Keep it simple.


  • You don't have to be an expert in a tool to start using it. Model the learning process!


  • Enlist your students as tech troubleshooters...they will thank you!


  • If it doesn't work, it's okay. There are always quirks. Take a deep breath, and be flexible.


  • Experiment, and have fun!




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