I hope you've enjoyed this introduction to Web 2.0 tools!
There are so many tools out there today, and they are constantly being updated. Now that you have a framework to understand what Web 2.0 is all about and some ideas on how you can use these tools in your classroom, I hope the landscape is a bit less overwhelming!
Take some time and explore the tools and examples on this wiki, or others that you find on the web. Leave a comment here to let me know which tools you would like to learn more about...I will be offering more in-depth workshops on many of these tools in the future!
If you are interested in using any of these tools, please contact a member of the Academic Technology Committee to determine if we already have a school-wide account. Also, I am more than happy to help you either in the library or in your classroom with these tools!
Have fun, and let me know about more great tools that you all discover!
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