
Media sharing

Page history last edited by Deborah Fanslow 12 years, 9 months ago

What is media sharing?

Media sharing sites allow you to upload, organize and share photos, videos, and other media. Most online sharing apps integrate with social networking software such as Facebook, and can be embedded into blogs, wikis, and other applications.


Commoncraft video: Social Networking in Plain English


Why share media?


How about some examples?


Which are the best media sharing sites for educators?


  • YouTube: The largest online video sharing community...
  • SaveYouTube.com: Free tool for converting and downloading YouTube videos into various video and audio formats.
  • School Tube: (We have a schoolwide account) SchoolTube provides students and educators a safe, world class, and FREE media sharing website that is nationally endorsed by premier education associations. SchoolTube is the recognized leader for moderated, internet media sharing for teachers and students. All student created materials on SchoolTube must be approved by registered teachers, follow local school guidelines, and adhere to our high standards.

  • Flickr (teacher access only): With Flickr, you can upload photos from your computer, mobile phone, webcam, or e-mail, and edit them online. Edit your photos into collections and sets, using your own tags, or collaboratively created tags by others. Share your photos and videos, utilize a map feature to tag the location of your photos, and order printables through Snapfish. You can even create an RSS feed for your photos, and keep in touch with others' feeds. One of the best features of Flickr is the ability to search for photos by Creative Commons licenses!
  • Photobucket: With Photobucket, you can store, create and share photos and videos. Upload all your best pictures, images, graphics, icons, and videos and share them by email or link them to your favorite sites like Facebook and Twitter. Personalize your photos by using our photo editor or make slideshows to share with friends. Use Photobucket on the Web or on your mobile phone.

Professional presentations
  • Slideshare.net: Upload and share your professional presentations. Share publicly or privately, and add audio to make a webinar.
  • Teacher Tube: Our goal is to provide an online community for sharing instructional videos. We seek to fill a need for a more educationally focused, safe venue for teachers, schools, and home learners. It is a site to provide anytime, anywhere professional development with teachers teaching teachers. As well, it is a site where teachers can post videos designed for students to view in order to learn a concept or skill.





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