
Social networking

Page history last edited by Deborah Fanslow 12 years, 6 months ago

So what is social networking?

Commoncraft video: Social Networking in Plain English


How can I use social networking in my classroom?

  • Create an online community space that functions as a virtual classroom. You can create, share, and manage academic content while using social networking tools. Some programs even offer quizzes, grading, and other academic tools!



How about an example?

  • Here's an example of an Edmodo page, showing a virtual book club:



What applications can I use to create a social network for my classroom?

  • Edmodo: Created specifically for educators and students, with mobile access and privacy control. Share photos, messages, links, files, videos, a calendar, etc.
  • Schoology: Free web-based learning management system and social network for creating, sharing, and managing academic material. Premium membership provides custom branding, backups, support, and training.


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